Monday, October 22, 2012


A few months back, it was suggested by a friend and fellow dog lover, that I watch the movie "Up".  Now, I am not much into comedies.  Don't get me wrong, I try to be a funny person (notice, I did use the word "try").  I just don't find much humor in making fun of people and things the way most comedies do these days, so, in general, I try to stay away from them.  I told her this.  She insisted, because she had a friend bug her until she watched it and she really thought that I would enjoy it.  So, even though this was a "kids" movie, I finally bucked up this weekend (no pun intended), downloaded it for the second time (long story here that I won't bore you with) and watched it Saturday night.

To say the least, I loved it!  I wish I had had time to watch it again!  Why?  It's a kids movie, right?

Well, beyond the talking dogs and the great adventure that Russell and Carl went on, there were many lessons about life, dreams, promises and second chances.  My favorite quote from the movie is when Russell is talking to Carl about the things he had done with his father.  Russell has explained to Carl a game that he and his Dad had played while eating ice cream on the curb.  Russell ends the conversation by saying, " That might sound boring, but I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most.".  The movie is about Carl fulfilling a promise for an adventure that was never taken because life got in the way, only to realize in the end that the adventure had been "life". 

We all live pretty fast these days.  We rush from the time we get out of bed until the time we go to bed.  We run here, we run there, and here and there and here and there.  We get so busy keeping up with the Jones, that we forget to enjoy a sunset, a quite moment in the car, or an ice cream on the curb. So stop.  Slow down.  Enjoy a sunset, smell a rose, take a deep breath of fresh air, enjoy a landscape.  We all have dreams and adventures we want to take.  Some of us will live them, some of us won't.  In the meantime, try to remember that the most important part of your adventure just might be an ice cream on the curb!


  1. Truth.
    There is much an adult can take away from this movie. I loved it too, although I contemplated suing the Pixar for copyright infringement... Doug IS my dog. No Joke.

  2. Plucky P - thanks!!! Martha - I agree! Could be used on another day/blog very soon! Thanks for reading!

  3. Hi there! Just letting you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Please go here for all of the details:
